The CMI-MRSEC hosted 10 REU (undergraduates) and 9 REY (high school students) during summer 2024. REU participants spent 10 weeks and REY participants spent 7 weeks performing materials science research. Research projects focused on Semiconductors & 2D Materials or Sustainable Polymers and weekly Development Moments were held to enhance their research experiences. Participants concluded their 2024 Summer Research Experiences with 2 major events, the MRSEC Affiliates’ Day and a joint Summer Research Symposium.
Affiliates' Day was an all-day event for all CMI community members to meet and interface with relevant and interested industrial partners. The Summer Research Symposium showcased the outstanding work accomplished by the students throughout their summer research experience. Participants presented lightning talks and posters on their research along with 4 other summer undergraduate research programs (including 3 NSF-REU/REM programs).
Emma Jang, Northville High School, PI: John Kieffer, Mentor: Jiun-Yeu Chang
Jayden Kim, Novi High School, PI: Bryan R. Goldsmith, Nirala Singh, Mentor: Sirazam Aishee, Gyan Sharma
Selene Koremenos-Tsebelis, Huron High School, PI: Stephen Maldonado, Mentor: Tung Nguyen
Rishi Kulkarni, Troy High School, PI: Jinsang Kim, Mentor: Ikramul Hasan
Maya Labonte, Northville High School, PI: Solomon Adera, Mentor: Tomasz Kulakowski, Yimin Zhou
Atharv Murthy, Washtenaw International High School, PI: Abdon Pena-Francesch, Mentor: Caroline Harms
Lucinda Paliani, Huron High School, PI: Pierre Ferdinand Poudeu, Mentor: Zhixiong Yin
Joanna Philip, Novi High School, PI: Abdon Pena-Francesch, Mentor: Chuqi Huang
Ari Shtein, Washtenaw International High School, PI: Yiyang Li, Mentor: Dongjae Shin